Duo Charged With Robbing Bishop on Live Stream Plead Not Guilty, One Still Detained
Simultaneously in EDNY's courthouse, as Inner City Press retrieved its phone from court security, billionaire UAE agent Tom Barrack delayed exiting into church robbery press conference. #OnlyInTheEDNY
By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Maxwell book
BBC - Honduras - CIA Trial book - NY Mag
EDNY COURTHOUSE, Sept 28 – On July 24, Brooklyn Bishop Lamor Whitehead was robbed, mid-service and on live stream, of two $75,000 watches and $25,000 diamond ring.
On September 28, two defendants were arraigned before Eastern District of New York Magistrate Judge Ramon E. Reyes and pleaded not guilty to the crime. Inner City Press was there.
Also there, in the cramped Arraignments Court, were relatives of the defendants. One said he is an aspiring rapper; another is into R&B but declined to speak to the press.
Juwan Anderson was released on $50,000 bond, with his mother, an aunt and a family friend as suretors.
Co-defendant Say-Quan Pollack, assigned a Criminal Justice Act lawyer, did not have a bail package ready, and remains detained. Their cases are assigned to EDNY District Judge William F. Kuntz.
The Bishop himself was in the courtroom, and appeared in court art and outside on Cadman Plaza.
From detention memo of US Attorney for the EDNY
Inside the EDNY, while Inner City Press retrieved its cell phone from the Court Security Officer, billionaire defendant Thomas Barrack, charged with being an agent of the United Arab Emirates, delayed his exit from the courthouse to avoid the church robbery "press conference."
World collide in the EDNY. We'll have more on this.
This case is US v. Say-Quan Pollack, 22-cr-428 (Kuntz / Reyes). Hours after the presentment, it was still listed in PACER as Sealed v. Sealed.
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What is a Bishop doing with two Watches worth $150,000 and a ring worth $25,000?